It’s no secret that electrification is taking over the automotive industry. More and more EVs are being introduced each year, and many automakers have come out stating their plans to go completely electric by the end of the decade. If you’re one of the many proud owners of Hyundai electric vehicles here in the Matteson, Illinois, area, you might be wondering when you should charge your EV. Today we’re here to help answer that question, first by diving into some general tips and information on when you should be charging, then by highlighting the Ameren Illinois ChargeSmart program which will help you save even more money by charging at the most opportune times.
Before we dive into the details on the incredible ChargeSmart program, we want to go over some general tips to follow when trying to determine when you should be charging your Hyundai EV. Studying the list below should definitely help you better understand the intricacies of charging times.
Following these great guidelines is an excellent first step to making the most out of your electric vehicle. They help you not only make sure you’ve always got a charge when you need it, but will also help you extend the life of your EV’s battery by avoiding common pitfalls that can be detrimental to lithium-ion batteries.
Now, with those tips and tricks out of the way, let’s get to the real meat and potatoes of when you should be charging your Hyundai electric vehicle. We’re extremely excited to talk about the ChargeSmart Program, which will not only help you keep your vehicle on a regular charging schedule, but will help you save money. It’s not just for EV charging either, you can shift other household electric usage into the off-peak hours we’re about to discuss to help you further save on energy costs.
Utilizing the ChargeSmart program will require you to enroll in the program, but once enrolled all you have to do is plug in, set a timer to charge during specific times, shift other electric usage to the preferred times, and you’ll receive a credit on your energy bill via reduced energy delivery charges.
The ChargeSmart Program regulates energy use during a Preferred Charging Period. This timeframe, the PCP, ranges from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. On the flip side, there’s a Non-Preferred Charging Period (NPCP) as well, which ranges from 11:00a.m to 7:00 p.m. The rest of the day falls into the Standard Charging Period (SCP).
After enrolling in the program, you’ll receive a credit for every kWh used during the PCP, but will be charged extra for each kWh used during the highest one-hour period of total household usage throughout the NPCP. There are no advantages or disadvantages to charging during the SCP. In order to help you adjust your schedule and get used to the new changes, you’ll receive a bill credit for the first 12 consecutive months in which you are enrolled in the program.
This is an incredible program and should lead to a lot of savings for many EV drivers throughout Illinois. If you have any questions about Hyundai electric vehicles or when you should be charging them, don’t hesitate to give us a call here at the sales desk, we’d be happy to help.
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